Service mondial

Votre partenaire dans la formation aux logiciels et le développement d'application
depuis plus de 25 ans
MS Outlook et MS Teams
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Do you find yourself repeatedly sending the same message, with the same subject to the same recipients?
We often see people either copy and paste text they've saved in a Word file, or hunt through old emails, click Forward and then re-type the recipient names and subject.
Sound familiar? At the very least, if you have repetitive text used in a variety of emails, use Quick Parts (see our Quick Parts article here ).
But to include not only text, but also the recipients and subject, follow the steps below to make your life easier and save lots of time.
Create an Outlook Template
Ctrl + N to start a new email
Add the To: CC: BCC: Subject and message text
Add bullets, numbers, and any other content/formatting to include
Click the File tab > Save As
Type a name and then select Outlook Template from the Save as type: drop-down (as shown below)
Templates are stored in a default location; do NOT change the folder
Click Save

Add the Choose Form button to the Quick Access Toolbar to Quickly Choose a Template
Click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar arrow and choose More Commands...
Select All Commands from the Choose commands from: drop-down
Scroll down to Choose Form , click the Add button and click OK

Create a New Email Based on a Template
Click the Choose Form button on the Quick Access toolbar
Select User Templates in File System in the Look In: drop-down
Select the template created above, make adjustments and send

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